JULY 22nd
Bob & Carol Barron for prayers for George recovering from hip surgery. Shirley Brandon sister, Frances continued recovery. Ann English for Lou Mickelin regaining sight after laser surgery 8/1/2018. Chris Foster for Sidney with organ transplant in September & may have Cystic Fibrois; strength for mother & grandmother. Mike for full recovery; Sandy Wallman, Roby. Susan Furman for Glenn with knee replacement; prayers for his recovery and for me as his “nurse.” Pray also for friend, Carol, with medical problems. Sandy Kereczman praying Andy will have good results from recent tests. Sue Kiefner prayers for niece Brittany is in the hospital with fever ; pray for answers. Tracy Leszcynski for Aunt Grace hospitalized due to complications with dementia. Frank Madura God’s healing for Chuck, Joe, Mary & Dennis – all with cancer. God’s wisdom as my Mother’s caregiver & my job search. Gayne Marriner asks prayers for strength for Beverly to cope with family visit for 10-12 days. Peter Marmaras recovery for Hal Arnold from benign brain tumor. Has lost his eyesight. Ken Niewoehner continued prayers that the stent will keep his kidney functional. Terry Nighan Thank you, Bob, for reminding us during Bible Study that we should pray for the church leaders and others who serve the church. Donna Nowik for family friend, Michael, 11, and his grandmother, who were severely injured in a car accident. They have months of surgery & rehab ahead & a great need for healing and comfort. Joan Palisca, for Oliver, 6 months old, on a heart transplant list. This is a bittersweet request with prayers for the family who provides the heart. Kasey & Deborah Renowden for Brenda & Dick, cancer; Bruce for healing; Carol for good tests results. Tammy’s Dad for healing from knee surgery without blood clots forming again. Ada & Vincent’s baby daughter having gastric issues requiring surgery. Ed Feuerstein continued prayers for wife Sherri’s cancer treatments success.
Mary Long on the sudden loss of her sister on July 16th
The Arnold family on the loss of Bill’s mother on July 17th
Tom Keel with foot surgeries and rehab. Walt & Carolyn Migilori for Walt’s Dad, Martin, amputation recovery. Kelly Hines’ father Parkinson’s disease. Andy Kereczman cancer. Rebecca Flores for post treatment care. Melissa Day for post treatment care. Betty Holt for mesothelioma. Chuck & Wendy Stehly for Jeff, brain cancer; for Ivelisse, breast cancer. Lehman Family asks for prayers for Nancy and the Arnold Family.
Bob Keiderling for sister, Pat, going through another round of chemo. Chis Foster for Roby with neuropathy. Bill Mains for surgery for prostate cancer. Beverly Marriner for severe pain relief.
At Home: | George & Martha Danner, Naomi Jones | ||
Gracedale | Jane Sandt, Dorothy Coolin | Arlington (Easton) | Sylvia Thele |
Moravian Village | Agnes Smith | Sterling Heights | Peggy Jacobson |
Traditions of Hanover | Marian Jeffrey | Traditions HOA | Betty Holt |
Westminster Village | Howard & Shirley Beiseigel | Kirkland Village | Barbara Guldner |