Motor Skills
Gross, Fine, and Bilateral motor skills
- Run, jump, skip, hop, gallop
- Kick, catch, throw
- Proper grip of pencil, crayon, marker
- Correct use of scissors
- Trace shapes and patterns
- Stack items
- Complete simple puzzles
- Use tweezers to pick up small items.
- Zip, snap, button
- String beads and lace
Social Skills
- Secure in leaving Mom/Dad/Caregiver
- Adapt without anxiety
- Empathize/Emotionally intelligent
- Problem solve for simple conflict resolution
- Express emotions appropriately with words and positive behaviors
- Self-advocate
- Work cooperatively and respectfully with others
Cognitive Development
- Recognize letter/sound correspondence
- Understand that letters are symbols
- Identify upper and lower case letters and numbers(1-10)
- Write letters, numbers (1-10), first and last name
- Recognize that words have meaning and connect to other words to form thoughts and express ideas
- Identify and create rhyming patterns
- Foster a love of literature
- Develop an interest in reading related activities
- Identify numbers of objects and counting from 1 through 10
- Sort and sequence
- 1 to 1 correspondence
- Identify more or less
- Understand the use of comparative words (big / little, short / long, slow / fast
- Create and repeat simple patterns
- Introduce life cycle of animals and plants
- Identify types of weather
- Recognize seasons and animal adaptations
- Experiment
- Floating and sinking
- Building with different materials
- Color mixing
- Creating and observing chemical reactions (vinegar and baking soda)